Results So Far For Super Tuesday. Biden sweeps the south but Sanders on course for big wins in California. Hillary Clinton won the 2016 Democratic primary there topping Sanders by over thirty points.
V oter turnout appears to be lower so far today in Fairfax County the countys director of. Super Tuesday is the biggest voting day in the Democratic nomination process and the results in its 15 contests which you can follow below will be enormously consequential in shaping the. Super Tuesday has the ability to change the delegate math.
Joe Biden regained his status as a frontrunner on Super Tuesday winning 10 of the 14 states that voted to pick a Democratic presidential nominee.
And suddenly the Democratic Partys presidential field which featured more than a half dozen candidates a week ago transformed into a two-man contest. Joe Biden has had many memorable moments during his long political career but this Super Tuesday is probably the most memorable so far. As Super Tuesday results. On March 3 voters will head to the polls in 14 states holding primaries on Super Tuesday potentially narrowing the Democratic presidential field.